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Curriculum Vitae

Jan Pospíšil   cs  eo es  pt

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1962 - 1974  Music school, the instruments: B-clarinet, Alt-saxophone and Bas-clarinet, an invitation to study at Music faculty not realised

1970 - 1974  Secondary Industrial School on Electrotechnics, Prague (automation, computers)

1977 a state examination as an Esperanto teacher at Burgas Summer Teachers Weeks, in Bulgaria (by Kunĉo Vâlev)

1974 - 1978  Military Aviation University, the Faculty for pilots, Košice, Slovakia, an academic title: engineer

1998 - 2000  Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University, Prague, the postgradual master study interrupted, not finished 

September 2016  Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University, Prague, the daily master study of Theology + Social work + Charity work (to be a hospital/hospice chaplain)


1990 Vienna  Österreichische Normungsinstitut, UEA/Termnet, Austria, in cooperation with ISO(UN) International Standardizing Organization(UNESCO) and with TermNet Worldwide Terminology Network (at ISO) subject: planning terminology projects, and multilanguage computer databases (with help of  Wüster Foundation)

1993-95 AMEX  American Express Europe, Inc., UK – several Amex systems at several locations:

  -1993 Salt Lake City, USA: Travelers Cheques Congress, plus a basic administration & system traning

  -1993 Brighton, UK: SPS (Selling Processing System), MAPS (Manager and Planning System), GEMS   ---(Global  Electronic Mail System), OAS (application Office Automated System)

  -1994 Brighton, UK: ALARMS (Automated Lost And Refund Monitoring System)

  -1994 Frankfurt, DE: administration trainning

  -1994 Arundel, UK: Quality Leadership - manager training

  -1995 Salt Lake City, USA: at the Congress plus mainframe system BITS (Business Integration Tool  ---System)

2001 Prague ATPL Air Traffic Pilot Licence theory 600h course at FTO(Flying Training Organisation) ŘLP ČR Praha-Ruzyně

2006 Prague IA basic 120h training Internal Auditor requalification course, the project JPD 3/5 with the grant of the EU, and then practicing as a volunteer at Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs during 1 month 


from 10.2016 a member of the ecclesiastical third order of Premonstratensians (a follower of St. Norbert at Strahov monastery), as fra Lazarus and as an acolyte in the parish of Praha - Nebušice

from 09.2015 a member of the civil order of knights Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem (the spiritual protector His Beatitude Gregorius III Laham, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, and Alexandria and Jerusalem)

from 01.2013 fully retired, because of cervico-cranial handicap

04.2011, Brazil  as a volunteer at children village Fazenda-Escola Bona Espero, Alto Paraíso de Goiás

2010 - 2012  Telefónica O2, Prague, as a PC operator (KOFAX system, Validation and Quality Control) Handicap outsorcing

2009  SECONDARY AIR SCHOOL, Prague-Ruzyně, as a teacher (on electrotechnics, avionics, technical description)

2007 - 2008  Czech Airlines, Passenger Handling Dept., Prague-Ruzyně, as Check-in Agent, Gaetan system

11.2006, Prague IA intern-ship at Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Czech Republic (Dept. of  ESF), no salary only practice

1998 - 2006  Česká pojišťovna a.s., (ČP), Headquarters Prague, Property and Liability Insurance Section, (=Czech Insurance Company, joint-stock company), Special Financial and Travel Insurance Department, where are methodically subordinated 77 main ČP branches in all CZ, as Special Methodist (data analysis), the full Microsoft Office 2000 (Word, Excell, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, IExplorer) and the DB systems PROGRESS and SAS

1998  America Tours s.r.o., Prague, travel industry, luxurious corporate travels especially to USA, as Sales Manager

1997  MT ELEKTRONIKA s.r.o., Prague, barcode technology division, large software applications, as Business Manager, acquisition at the biggest Czech and Slovak foundries and ironworks (Presentations of  barcode system, Contract negotiation with large companies on similar software projects, e.g., Hyparchiv - the electronic archive system (SAP R3 compatible) etc.; Presentation of barcode products at international fairs

1996  COMFIN PL s.r.o., Prague, human resources,  as Commercial Director for human recruitment contracting, acquisition and  executive work, Acquisition and contract negotiations for clients, Job advertising and preselection of the candidates for positions within clients companies

1993 - 1996  AMERICAN EXPRESS s.r.o., Prague, Travel Related Services - Travelers Cheques Group as Travelers Cheque Manager for Czech Republic, responsibility for all activities relating to Travelers Cheques in the country (Contract Negotiations, Training/Seminars – 220 for 4460 trainees in 86 cities), Administrations, Reconciliation, Customer Service); an acquisition of 57 Czech banks, 18 contracts (plus another 6 banks and 1 non-bank were under negotiation)


07.1993, France  as a scout leader of czech scouts at an international esperantophonic scout camp, near to Clermont-Ferrand at the mount Puy-de-Dôme

1991 - 1992  UNIVERSAL ESPERANTO ASSOCIATION, Rotterdam, Wüster Foundation, Terminologia Esperanto-Centro, in consultative relations with UNESCO (B category) as an Office Manager:  maintaining cooperation of 335 colleagues from 42 countries on (PC) terminology and organizing several seminars (at: Kladno, CS; Vienna, AT; San Marino City, University San Marino; and Kladno, CZ)

1987 - 1991  SLOV-AIR COMPANY, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, and AIR SPECIAL, Praha (former Slov-Air, branch 02, Prague) as a special agriculture pilot  (chemical spread), the company was cancelled


1979 - 1986  MILITARY AVIATION UNIVERSITY, Košice, Slovakia, as a pilot-instructor; during teaching I started a computer project for Košice military airport pilots training, and made an aviation dictionary for Libya pilots training; fired for political reasons


1978 - 1979 Libya  SECONDARY AIR SCHOOL, Tripoli(Tarabulus), OMNIPOL company CS, as a pilot-instructor 


1974  CZECHOSLOVAK STATE BANK, Praha, as a computer operator (IBM main frame)


1968 - 1971  a boy scout, then as scout leader at JUNÁK; the JUNÁK organization was disbanded in 1971 and scouting was banned until 1989 in Czechoslovakia




Note: In the above text the non-profit activities are added in italics here after my retirement (60).

The last changes on Oct 24th 2016: esperantophonic, Wüster













