Lista de particulas grammatic (Interlingua)
a: to; at
ab: prep since, from
alias: otherwise, in another manner;
alias; at another time
alibi: elsewhere
ali(c)-: any-, some-
alicubi: somewhere; anywhere
alicun: some, any; a few;
alicun cosa: something, anything
alicuno: someone, somebody; anyone, anybody
aliquando: sometime; at any time
aliquanto: somewhat, to some degree
alique: pron something, anything;
adv somewhat
alora: then; in that case, consequently
alto: top;
in alto: up; upwards; upstairs; on top
ambe: adj both;
ambes: pron both
an: part interr –;
an ille ha le libro?: has he the book?;
conj whether
ancora: adv still, yet;
interj encore
anque: also, too;
anque io: me too;
non solo ... ma anque: not only ... but also
ante: prep before, in front of; earlier than; above;
adv before, ahead, earlier, forward;
ante que: before
ante-heri: day before yesterday
a pena: hardly, scarcely
apud: near, with, at, by
assatis: adv enough; rather, fairly, quite
assi: thus, so;
assi ... como: as ... as
avante: before, in front, ahead; forward
basso: bottom;
a basso: down, downward;
in basso: down, below, downward; downstairs
bastante: adj enough, sufficient;
adv enough, sufficiently
ben que: although
bis: twice; encore
cata: adj each;
cata uno: each (one)
causa: cause;
a causa de: because of
certo: certainly
circa: around, about; approximately
como: how; as, like;
como si: as though, as if
comocunque: however, in whatever way
con: with, together with; by means of
concernente: concerning
contra: prep opposite, facing; against;
adv opposite, facing; on the contrary
cuje: whose
-cunque: -ever
de: from, since; of, belonging to; made of;
with, by means of;
de (+ inf): to
deman: tomorrow;
deman matino: tomorrow morning;
deman vespere: tomorrow night
depost: adv afterwards, later;
prep after, since;
depost que: since, from the time that
desde: prep since, from
dum: while, as long as; until;
provided that, if only
dunque: therefore
durante: during;
durante que: while, whilst
e: and;
e ... e: both ... and
ecce: lo!, see!, behold!; here is, here are
ergo: therefore, accordingly, consequently,
then, ergo
esque: part interr –;
esque ille ha le libro?: has he the book?
et cetera, etc.: and so forth, and so on,
et cetera, etc.
etiam: also, likewise, too; even, even yet, yet;
non solmente ... sed etiam: not only ... but also
ex: out of, from
excepte: except, excepting
extra: adv without, on the outside;
besides, in addition, extra;
prep outside of, without, beyond;
except, excepting; besides, in addition to
foras: adv out of doors, outside, out;
from without;
prep beyond, except;
foras de: outside of, without;
foras de se: beside oneself
forsan: perhaps, maybe
gratis: gratis, free of charge
haber: to have;
il ha: there is, there are
heri: yesterday
hic: here;
de hic a (un hora): (an hour) from now;
usque (a) hic: up to here, thus far;
up to now, hitherto;
hic juncte: herewith
hodie: today
ibi: there
ibidem: in the same place; ibidem; ibid., ib.
idem: the same (thing); idem; id.
igitur: adv/conj then, therefore, thereupon
il: impers pron it
illa: she, her
illac: there
ille: he, it; him; that, the former
illes: they; them
illo: it
in: in, into
infra: adv below, underneath, beneath;
prep below, under, beneath
insimul: together
inter: between, among
interim: meanwhile, in the meantime
intertanto: meanwhile, in the meantime
intra: adv/prep within
intro: inwardly, internally, on the inside, in
io: I
ipse: myself, yourself, himself, etc.;
hodie ipse: this very day
iste: this, the latter
ita: thus, so; just so, yes;
and so, consequently; accordingly
jam: already, at once, right away;
just now, a moment ago; indeed, surely;
non ... jam: no longer
jammais: ever, at any time;
non ... jammais: never;
jammais!: never!
justo: just, exactly;
justo nunc, justo ora: just now, right now
juxta: adv near, near by;
prep near, near to, next to
la: her
le: art the
le: pron him
les: them
lo: it;
lo que: that which, what
loco: place;
in loco de: instead of;
in su loco: instead
longe: far; away, far away;
de longe: from afar, from a distance
lontan: distant, far-off
lor: their
lore: their
ma: but;
non solo ... ma anque; not only ... but also
malgrado: in spite of
maniera: manner, way;
de maniera que: so that
me: me
melio: adv better;
tanto melio: so much the better
melior: adj better;
le melior: the best
mesme: same; myself, yourself, himself,
etc. (as in "the king himself")
mesmo: likewise; even;
hodie mesmo: this very day;
ora mesmo: right now
mi: my
mie: mine
minus: less; minus;
a minus que: unless;
al minus: at least;
totos minus ille: all but him;
le minus: the least
multo: very; much
nam: for
nemo: no one, nobody
ni: neither, nor, also not
nihil, nil: nothing
nimie: adj too much, too many
nimis: adv too, too much
no: adj no
non: not; no;
si non: if not; except, unless it be
nondum: not yet
nonne: part interr is it not?;
il es ver, nonne?: it is true, isn't it?
nonobstante: prep despite, in spite of;
adv nevertheless
nos: us, we
nostre: our, ours
nulle: adj not any, no;
null, worthless, without legal force
nullemente: in no way, not at all
nunc: now
nunquam: never
nusquam: nowhere
o: or;
o ... o: either ... or
olim: once, formerly;
at a future time, sometime (in the future)
omne: adj all; each, every;
de omne mano: from every hand;
de omne latere: from every side;
in omne caso: in any case;
omne cosa: everything;
omnes: pron all
on: one
ora: now
parte: part;
a parte: apart, aside;
in parte: in part;
del parte de: on the part of;
de parte a parte: through and through;
in nulle parte: nowhere
passato: ago
pauc: adj little, not much; few;
un pauc (de): a little;
pauc a pauc: little by little;
in pauc: shortly, before long
pauco: adv little
per: through; during, throughout;
by, through, by means of; per
perque: adv/conj why; because
plus: more; plus;
le plus: the most;
de plus: furthermore, besides;
de plus in plus: more and more;
in plus: furthermore, in addition, also;
al plus: at best;
plus o minus: more or less;
non ... plus: no more, no longer
pois: adv afterwards, thereafter;
conj for;
pois que: since, as, because
post: adv behind, back, backwards;
afterwards, after;
prep behind; after;
post que: since, because
postea: afterwards, thereafter
postquam: conj after; as soon as
potius: rather; sooner
presso: adv/prep near, close;
a presso de: at the home of; in care of;
with, among
presto: presto, quickly, quick as a wink
preter: adj past, beyond;
prep past, along, alongside of; beyond;
except, excepting; in addition to
pridem: long ago
pro: for, in favor of; in exchange for, in place of;
pro (+ inf): (in order) to
proque: adv/conj why; because
qual: which; what;
le qual: which; that; who
qualcunque: any, whatever
quando: adv/conj when
quandocunque: whenever
quante: adj how much, how many
quanto: adv as much as; as far as;
quanto ... tanto: the ... the;
quanto a: as for
quare: wherefore, why
quasi: almost, nearly;
in a certain sense, in a way;
quasi que: as if
que: pron interr what;
pron rel who, whom, which, that
qui: who, whom;
de qui: whose
quicunque: whoever, whomever, whosoever
quia: because, for
quo: adv whither, where; wherefore;
conj so that, in order that
re: about, concerning
retro: back, backwards; ago;
a retro: backwards
salvo: save, but, but for;
salvo que: save that, but that
satis: enough; rather, somewhat;
esser satis: to be enough;
haber satis: to have enough;
satis de (tempore, etc.): enough (time, etc.)
se: pron refl himself; herself; itself; themselves
secundo: prep (following) after; along, by;
according to;
secundo que: according as
sed: but
semper: always
si: adv thus, so; yes;
si ... como: as ... as
si: conj if; whether;
si non: if not; except, unless it be
sia: be, may be, let there be;
sia ... sia: be (it) ... or be (it); whether ... or;
qual que sia: whatever, whatsoever
sin: prep without
sol: adj sole, alone, only;
viver sol: to live alone;
sentir se sol: to feel lonesome, lonely
solo: adv only, merely;
non solo ... ma anque: not only ... but also
su: his, her, its
sub: prep under, below, beneath
subinde: immediately after, just after, forthwith;
repeatedly, frequently, often, from time to time
subito: suddenly, unexpectedly
subtus: adv below, beneath, underneath
sue: his, hers, its
super: prep on, upon; on top of; over, above;
about, concerning, on;
adv above, on top;
super toto: above all
supra: prep above, over;
adv on the top, above
sur: on, upon; on top of
tal: such, such a;
tal e tal: such and such;
talmente: adv so;
un libro talmente belle: so beautiful a book,
such a beautiful book
tamen: yet, however, nevertheless,
not withstanding
tante: adj so much, so many;
tante per cento: so much per hundred,
tante ... como: as much, as many ... as
tanto: adv so, so much;
tanto ... como: as much ... as;
in tanto que: in as much as;
tanto plus ... que: all the more ... that;
quanto ... tanto: the ... the
tarde: adj late;
plus tarde: later; later on;
al plus tarde: at the latest
te: you, thee; yourself, thyself
tosto: presently, soon, promptly;
plus tosto: rather, sooner;
si tosto que: as soon as
tote: adj all; every, each;
tote le (homines): all (men);
totos: all, everyone;
de tote (le) corde: wholeheartedly;
tote (le) duo: both
totevia: yet, still, nevertheless
toto: subst all, everything;
le toto: the whole;
super toto: above all;
ante toto: before all;
post toto: after all;
del toto: at all;
in toto: entirely, wholly, in toto
toto: adv all, quite, wholly
trans: across, over, beyond, on the farther side of
troppo: too, too much;
troppo (de) (libros, etc.): too many (books, etc.);
troppo (de) (aqua, etc.): too much (water, etc.);
de troppo: superfluous, in the way, de trop
tu: your, thy
tue: yours, thine
tunc: then
ubi: adv where;
conj where; when; as soon as; wherewith; in which;
a ubi: where, whither;
de ubi: from where, whence
ubicunque: wherever
ubique: everywhere;
anywhere, wheresoever, wherever
ultra: adv on the other side, beyond, farther;
prep on the farther side of; beyond, past; besides;
ultra illo: besides, moreover;
ultra que: aside from the fact that
un: a, an;
le un le altere: one another, each other;
le unes le alteres: one another, each other
uno: pron indef one
unquam: ever, at any time
usquam: somewhere
usque: prep (all the way) to, up to; till, until;
usque nunc: up to now
verso: towards, to
via: adv away; off;
via!: go away!, begone!;
prep by way of, via
vice: turn, stead; time (as in "three times");
alicun vices: sometimes;
un vice: once; on one occasion; formerly;
un vice que: once, once that;
in vice de: instead of;
a vices: at times;
altere vice: a second time;
plure vices: several times, repeatedly
viste: considering;
viste que: considering that
voluntarie: willingly, readily, gladly, with pleasure
vos: you; yourself, yourselves
vostre: your, yours
ya: adv indeed, certainly, of course;
ya (io lo crede): (I) do (believe it)